08 Sep.
Ski trail
Average base depth
08 Sep.
overcast clouds
Current temp
Fresh snow
Hours of Operations

Monday to Friday | 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

Snow Tubing:

Monday to Sunday | Closed

Ski & Snowboarding:

Monday to Sunday | Closed

Daily Lessons

Are you a beginner and want to give snowboarding or skiing a try?
Our Learn to Ski and Learn to Ride Programs allow you to take your first step with your equipment and gain confidence in our learning areas before challenging the rest of the hill!

Book Lesson

Create your own lesson group (1 to 5 persons per group)

Get valuable advice from an experienced instructor during a lesson focused on your needs.

Number of participants Age 1 Hour 2 Hours
1 PERSON Age 3+ $120.40 + HST $225.20 + HST
2 PERSONS Age 6+ $173.90 + HST $316.15 + HST
3 PERSONS Age 8+ $227.40 + HST $407.08 + HST
4 PERSONS Age 8+ $280.90 + HST $498.04 + HST
5 PERSONS Age 8+ $334.40 + HST $588.98+ HST

Above lesson prices do not include lift ticket or equipment rental.

Lesson Times : 9:45am, 11:00am, 12:15pm, 2:15pm, 3:30pm & 4:45pm

Lift ticket and equipment rental prices for lesson participants

2 hour Lift Ticket $35.31+ HST $35.31+ HST
2 hour Ski/Boot/Poles $26.60 + HST $26.60+ HST
2 hour Snowboard & Boots $36.75 + HST $36.75 + HST
2 hour Helmet $7.20 + HST $7.20 + HST
4 hour Lift Ticket $67.47 + HST $59.00 + HST
4 hour Ski/Boot/Poles $40.55 + HST $35.25 + HST
4 hour Snowboard & Boots $50.85 + HST $46.95+ HST
4 hour Helmet $14.25 + HST $14.25 + HST
4 hour Magic Carpet Hill only $41.30 + HST $41.30 + HST
4 hour Tyke (under age 5) N/A $23.59 + HST

In order to ensure proper safety measures always dress for the weather

Comfort tips